Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sunday, October 6, 2013

OUT NOW : my new vegan pizza recipe fundraiser book !

I finally finished my new book Vegan Pizzas NEW Flavors For Todays Pizza.

It is a modest 61 page book with  pizza recipes and general guidelines how to make a tasty vegan pizza. Making a tasty vegan pizza is basically different from making a regular non veg pizza.
This book is from 4 years experience baking vegan pizzas in a vegan restaurant in Bangkok, Thailand. It is a fundraiser cooking book ; with the sales of this recipe book i aim to get enough funds to start a new vegan cafe in Thailand.
This first edition is in PDF, EPUB, and Kindle. If i get enough positive responses i will make an extended second edition in full color paperback.

Support the book and a new vegan cafe and buy the pizza book !
The ebook costs 6.99 us$, please paypal to and it will send to you in a few days.

Read more about the book and see some pages on

Thanks !


Thursday, March 21, 2013


158 pages, Japanese + English language, full color, price 1680 Yen + 290 Yen postage = 1970 Yen.
Order :

Saturday, July 30, 2011

REVIEW Eart Shokudo in Kyoto

Earth Shokudo is a small restaurant located close to Hyakumanben in the
Kyoto University and Ginkakuji area. Go uphill to the east from the
Hyakumanben intersection and you will find the shop on your left. It is
a 100% vegan shop serving real Indian curry, Japanese style lunch/dinner
menu (teishoku) changing every day, noodles made of mate tea etc. The
owner is a friendly lady speaking English. The atmosphere of the
restaurant is relaxing and prices inexpensive compared to the quantity
and good taste of the meals. The building was a bookshop in the past,
also called "Earth". Even now, you'll find shelves well-stocked with
books. Earth Shokudo is open every day except Sundays, 11:30-15:00 and

Saturday, July 16, 2011

closed, closed, CLOSED, c-l-o-s-e-d !

I didn't check it myself yet but i heard the following veggie restaurants closed their doors :

- Cafe 8. For all you vegs in the neighborhood, don't ya weep, just at the other side of the street is the veg restaurant Alaska, which is a very cool and hip place with exciting food.
- Der Akkord. Due to the timely and tragic death of the owner, this Legendary Bakery closed. R.I.P
- J's Kitchen.
- Miki Tenkai. Who hasn't picked up a take out veg lunchbox at Daykan Yama station in Tokyo from mr Miki Tenkai ? Well, rumors has, this buddhist monk killed somebody (very un-cool) and is now serving time in jail !
-Vege Canteen. Such A Shame ! We Miss You !
-Hono Cafe.
-Salon Cuttho in Okinawa also reportedly closed it's vegan doors.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Friday, June 24, 2011

A Change To Help

As anyone can imagine, just a mere four months after the devastating and massive disaster that whiped away whole towns, crippled local infrastructure, and even caused a nuclear disaster, many people in the affected areas, including children, still live in shelters and sometimes struggle to get by and are dependent on gifts from grassroots groups who visit and donate necesary goods and food.

Martin Frid, long time resident of Japan, ex-employee of Saitama's Alishan Cafe, blogger, eco activist, author of the Safety Ranking Book (the original title is in Japanese Nippon Shoku no Anzen Ranking) is such a grassroot activist who visited the north with 10 people and 4 vans loaded with goods for the smaller shelters.
Martin wrote me the following mail :

I just got back from Fukushima and Miyagi with 4 vans and 10 people, bringing emergency supplies (food, clothes, rubber boots, books, manga, toys) to small villages along the Miyagi coast, were the tsunami devastation still is amazing 3 months later. We are going to the small refugee shelters too that don't get much help. Please donate and contribute if possible. I made a video with a slideshow of photos:
If you feel the need to help, and rather prefer to donate to a grassroots group instead of a large org like the Red Cross, please contact mr Frid at martinfrid1(at)  how to make a donation (money or goods) and/or help
As for me, the sales of one box of Japan Vegan Restaurant Pocketguide will be donated to mr Frid and his group.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tsunami Relief Donation End Result

For obvious reasons traveling to Japan has declined and so the need for buying a pocketguide. Still, we have sold 8 pocketguides and donated all the money to the Red Cross. To pump up our efforts we also have asked bookshop Kinokuniya to donate all sales from our pocketguide directly to the Red Cross Victim Relief Fund. Not sure how much pocketguides it is, but it is expected to be between 15, 20 pocketguides.
For now we stop our campaign.

Friday, April 22, 2011

we support relief efforts

in order to show support for the victims of the earthquake and the tsunami of Japan, i decided to donate the sales of the pocketguides sold online to the Emergency Relief of the Red Cross.

(more info

I hope that more people will donate, especially people that have visited Japan and have good memories of Japan and it's friendly people.
I hope that everybody realises donations, and much of it, are esssential for a fast recovery.

Donating can be easy, you even can donate with Paypal which has a special easy-as-onigiri Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief webpage.

or support a vegan food relief who are currently sending meals, fruit and vegetables to the affected area's.

new veggie restaurant Govindas feeds refugee shelters

Veggie Confusion! Seems like there is a NEW veggie restaurant in Tokyo with the same name as my all time favorite restaurant GOVINDA'S in the Nakano area, close by the famous Deva Deva.

Aparently this new Govinda's restaurant recently made a 5 hour trip to the Miyagi prefecture with 3 SUV's, loaded with veggie meals, and 800 kg of fruits and vegetables, and visited 5 refugee shelters.
read more....

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Awsome New Veggie Taiwan Restaurant

Hello my veggie friends,

Tokyo sure has become an exciting hot spot for veggies the last years. New places just keep popping up, i mean, very good and profesional veggie places and the diversity is just awsome, like the new exciting raw food Rainbow Raw Food to the humble and small vegan noodle shop Asahi and recently a new Veggie Taiwan restaurant opened.
To quote a veggie resident who did eat there and informed me about this place : "The food was great! Also large menu, large portions, large restaurant, and low prices. I couldn't believe my luck!"
Got a free day ? Go veggie restaurant hopping, it might take you to never-visited areas of Tokyo while discovering a new veggie place, new veggie foods, and supporting the growing veggie scene in Tokyo.

With all these new awsome classy hot new Veggie Restaurants its a mystery why a group like the Tokyo Vegan Meetup still have most of their meetups in the non-veggie restaurant Pink Cow.
(Hey, somebody said "kickback" ? It wasn't me who said it...)

All you real veggies and food lovers go ASAP to the new Taiwan restaurant, it's hot, hot, hot, (and cheap prices) and i heard rumors it will be in an upcoming issue of Veggie Steady Go!
(Hey, it wasnt me who started the rumor...)

UPDATE 2013 : seems like the website is offline so the restaurant also might be closed. Check before you go !
Taiwa Soshoku Sanchou
open until 22.30
Kameido 6-32-1, Koto-ku, Tokyo 136-0071
nearest station: 4 mins walking from JR Kameido station

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010

ベジ ・ステディ・ゴー!

Veggie Steady Go! was recently in Thailand and the result can be read in their latest issue ! 6 pages of Thai veggie and organic adventures including three pages with reviews of veggie restaurants in Bangkok.

The reviews feautures a good mix of traditional vegan Jay restaurants (Arawy and Baan Suan Pai), and some new vegetarian restaurants like Thamna and Waterdrop Teahouse, and newer vegan restaurants like Loving Hut and Herwin's Vegan Cafe.

Monday, August 9, 2010






Thursday, July 22, 2010

Against Meat Japan Demo

against meat japanのデモ行進先週の日曜日、肉食反対デモ行進が100人ほどの集客を得て成功しました。デモの様子は、インターネットウェブチャンネルのスプリームマスターテレビジョンに撮影されました。

against meat japanは関西地方で定期的にフライヤーイベントとデモを行っています。9月には、「動物のためのキャンドルナイト」を行う予定です。



Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010


アースデイフェスティバルに行ったことがありますか? さて、僕は昨年東京で開催されたのに行きましたが、少し期待はずれでした。「環境保護」でも「ベジタリアン」でもなく、「ベジタリアンらしさ」さえありませんでした。
食べ物の屋台で一番売られていたのはローストポークでした。ローストポーク??? 酪農は世界的に非常に環境を損ない、地球温暖化の最大の原因となる温室効果ガスを放出する責任があります。肉を出す代わりに、この祭典では菜食と地球温暖化と酪農について周知するべきだったと思います。

そう思ったのは僕だけではなかったようです。. :-)

東京にお住まいで、よい週末の旅行を計画していますか? 5月2日、日曜日は新幹線で京都に行き、新しいビーガンアースデイフェスティバルを見に行くよい動機になるでしょう!

Friday, February 26, 2010


ドーナッツプラントは、東京に8店舗と、そのほかに7つの取扱店があります。ドーナッツプラントのドーナツは卵なしで作られ、牛乳さえ使わないものもあります。すなわち作り手はビーガンだということです。 ;-)

ビーガンライブ in 荻窪

荻窪(東京)のビーガンヒーリングカフェで来月、タイムマシーンによるバンドの生演奏が行われます。いつか? 3月13日、19時開演で入場無料です。場所と営業時間はウェブサイトでご確認ください。



